Aikobot2 takes a moment out of her busy maintenance schedule to enjoy the company of her faithful pal, Rex.
I’ve had Aikobot2 on my wishlist for years, but the moment finally came when the price was right 🙂 I had tried setting up a scene with Fembot 2 and Rex, but it just didn’t look right. Aikobot2 is a much better match!
This render also took an unusually long time, and while the DOF and reflections might account for some of that, I think I must’ve messed up something in my tinkering with various settings. Either that or my MacBook knows it’s about to be replaced and is having a pity party!
Rendered in April 2022 using Firefly in Poser Pro 11.3 for Mac at 3200 × 1800 pixels. DOF enabled.
SCENE CREDITS: Sci-fi Corridor B by Petipet.
CHARACTER CREDITS: V4 with Aikobot2 character and outfit by Parris; Sci-Fi Puppy Rex by darkvisionary.