About the Blog Writer
Who is Amy?
I’m an Atlanta native who grew up dreaming of owning a horse farm in Colorado and teaching college-level writing… and now I’ve done both! I retired from over 20 years of teaching college-level writing in December 2015 so that I can devote my energies to developing a Young Adult fantasy graphic novel, tentatively titled Lumens of New Skye. See the Lumen Story WIP page for more info.
Amy Avatars
Before I discovered Poser, I drew a chibi-style avatar to use for some short animations (and later, our wedding invitation!) Once I started working with Poser, I used Lady Littelfox’s toon figure, Cookie, to set up an avatar character I refer to as AmyCk. (You’ll see her, along with CynCk for Cynthia, in the Creative Miscellany category, mostly for holiday cards.)
After I’d pretty much pushed Cookie’s capabilities to the limits, at least for my purposes, I finally learned how to use V4 and used her to make an avatar I was thinking of using for a graphic memoir about lesbian identity. That story is set in the 90’s, before I became a “permanent” red head, so I made a blonde version. But I also made a red-head version, because why not?!
The story I wanted to tell in a graphic memoir feels less urgent in these more accepting times, but if I ever do return to it, I’m sure I can make a much better AmyV4, given how much more content I now have for that figure!

About this Blog
I registered perpetualrevision.com many years ago (maybe around 2000?) to use as a central location for materials for all my writing & rhetoric courses, and I used it that way until around 2006, when I began setting up separate domains for each class. At that time, I wiped all the existing content from the site and forwarded the domain to my main “professional” site at amygoodloe.com (which is where you can still find my CV, academic papers, and other similar info).
In January of 2014, I decided to remove the forwarder and start rebuilding the site so that I could use it as a place to post odd assortments of crafty tidbits, digital experiments, and random observations relating to my teaching and my life.
After I retired from teaching in December 2015 and began working with 3D art full time, I switched the site’s focus yet again, to serve as a place to post my 3D art as well as prop freebies and the occasional insight into using Poser. That remains the site’s purpose into the present, which is currently 2020.