Aina put up a fuss when Fehn first asked her to babysit Noor so that Fehn could have dinner out, but in truth Aina relishes the chance for a little baby bonding time 🙂
For some reason, this render took an unusually long time, longer than any other scene I’ve rendered with DOF enabled. I did not have IDL enabled, and there aren’t any reflective materials, but something clearly bogged down the render at about 65% of the way through. I waited it out, but dang, I hate hearing my MacBook work that hard!
(Poser’s log said the render took 18446744949882880.00 seconds, but since that doesn’t translate into 55 minutes, I think that’s just Poser’s way of saying, “Holy crap, you made me work too hard!”)
Rendered in April 2022 using Firefly in Poser Pro 11.3 for Mac at 3200 × 1800 pixels. DOF enabled.
SCENE CREDITS: Fairytale Collection – Redhouse Cottage Interior with Rural Cottage Interior textures by RAGraphicDesign; fireplace logs from Rosemill Room; footstool from A Curious Bus Stop by LaurieS with materials by LittleDesign; bread and cheese by Exnem; mug by me.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Aina figure, Aina’s apparel, and Noor figure by Nursoda; Fingerwave Bob Hair by Goldtassel; Noor’s blanket materials by LittleDesign; Aina’s skin texture by me.