Bubbles relaxes into a peaceful nap beside the bubbling woodland stream.
(Really, I just wanted an excuse to render this neat woodland stream set, which I can’t believe I’d never come across until the recent sale! And Bubbles kindly volunteered to take a nap in it 🙂
Rendered in July 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4000 × 2250 pixels, using direct lighting (one infinite light and an IBL light) with Depth Cue atmosphere enabled.
SCENE CREDITS: IN Woodland Stream by winnston1984; DayLilies by Lisa’s Botanicals.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Bubbles by CHK2033; SBRM Gamebirds by Ken Gilliland (Spruce Grouse); SBRM Flock Formations 1 by Ken Gilliland (“Big Gulp”); Arctic Hare by lyne.