Calleigh and her pal, Pufflet, enjoying a summer afternoon!
I just adore these overalls. They’re made for La Femme, but thus far I’ve used them on Kiki and V4 with no trouble. As long as I get them into the right position before running the simulation, everything just works (which I’ve found true with all of Tipol’s dynamic clothing I’ve tried).
Rendered in July 2022 using Firefly in Poser Pro 11.3 for Mac at 2250 × 3000 pixels. Postwork in ON1 Effects.
SCENE CREDITS: Esha’s Grassy Grounds. Flat Rocks by Traveler. Flink’s Blossom Tree 5. Fence from Merlin’s Wild Borders. Tall Grass by Lisa’s Botanicals. Flink’s Rolling Hills. Flink’s Sky 2.
CHARACTER CREDITS: V4 with Calleigh character by LittleDesign; Goldtassel Minnie Bow Hair; Overalls (and jewelry) for LF by Tipol. Pufflet by hypertaf (exported from DS in FBX format).