After what happened the last time Xerr lost on creature game night, the tavern is nearly empty as the three friends play a round of cards. Only Echu is brave enough to stick around, and only because he has a coupon for grog.
I started this scene in March but ran into a few issues that made me want to return to it later. Apparently it’s now later 🙂
I wish Cybertenko had included a completely zeroed version of a hand of cards, as they come zeroed in position for M4 to be holding, and that makes it hard to rotate them around for other figures or to lie flat on a table! I confess I know nothing about card games, so I have no idea what game they’re playing.
Rendered in July 2022 using Firefly in Poser Pro 11.3 for Mac at 3200 × 1800 pixels. Postwork in ON1 Effects.
SCENE CREDITS: Fantasy Tavern by SoullessEmpathy. Beer mugs from Tavern Dining Hall by ImaginaryHouse. Cheese bowl, bread, and cutting board from Exnem Cheese & Deli Platters. Game of Cards by Cybertenko.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Tsathoggua, EnchantedForest Suijin, and Echu by Sixus1. Xerr by DAZ.