Bunny: “Excuse me, what day is it? I got rather involved in sampling these candy eggs and may have missed an important delivery deadline!”
I got Noggin’s Rabbit & Hare figure the day before Easter, which meant I didn’t have time to use him for an Easter scene, so I came up with this idea that the Bunny had gotten lost in eating candy and forgot about his big day. The scene didn’t quite work out the way I’d been hoping, so I was planning to try working on it and re-rendering later. And then something really strange happened: I was hit with a case of “transient global amnesia” that lasted nearly 20 hours, and that kinda threw everything off! So I’m only now getting back to the bunny, who has apparently also gone through his own bout with amnesia! Given that Easter is getting further and further away, I decided to not work further on the scene and just go with it “as is.”
I had put off getting this rabbit figure after some things I’d read, particularly about the textures being rather old, but I love bunnies and the price went low enough, so I gave it a try. I agree that the figure could benefit from some new textures, but otherwise it’s not too bad, although I probably wouldn’t recommend it for a closeup like what I did here. I tried a few things in Photoshop in hopes of improving the look of the fur, at least where it wasn’t already blurred by DOF, but painting on an already posed figure is not my strong suit, and I would’ve had no idea how to paint it a proper bunny nose. If I can find some source textures (including the nose), I might make it a new coat, and maybe I’ll also consider growing it some fur in Poser’s Hair Room. Or maybe I’ll just be content to use it in the background!
Rendered in April 2022 using Firefly in Poser Pro 11.3 for Mac at 2048 × 1152 pixels. DOF enabled.
SCENE CREDITS: Esha’s Grassy Grounds. Tall Grass by Lisa’s Botanicals. Eggs from my freebie: Messy Baker Set 6: Butter and Eggs.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Noggin’s Rabbit & Hare figure.