Three old friends get together for an evening of drinking they’ll never forget… if any of them remember it, that is!
Rendered in June 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels.
NOTES: I just couldn’t decide which version of this scene to post, the one with some effects applied in Topaz Studio 2 or the one without. So, in a rare move for me, I’m posting both!
The one above didn’t go through TS2 (just my usual post-processing with the Camera Raw filter in Photoshop CC). The one below one I brought through TS2, where I applied a bit of Abstraction and Impression as well as some clarity and AI Clear.

SCENE CREDITS: Curious Pub by Jack Tomalin; Photo Props: Ancient Candles by ShaaraMuse (on a dish by me); Tall burner by DM; Beer mugs by me (with “fantasy” rather than “realistic” glass mats!)
CHARACTER CREDITS: Hein, Kena, and Malik figures & apparel by Nursoda.