(I don’t know what exactly she did, or even who the “she” in question is, but apparently it was all quite scandalous. And amusing!)
I set up this scene as part of the process of creating a few fairies for an ongoing project using Maisie as the base figure.
Rendered in March 2018 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly.
PROPS: Esha’s Toon Glade
FIGURES: Fairy 1: Maisie with default skin; WildingFae Outfit with pd-Floral mats; Schoolgirl Hair with AM hair mats; Fairy 2: Maisie with Pooki character and skin by 3DTubeMagic; Schoolgirl Skirt and Blouse by Deecey with pd-DirtyPretty mats; FK Paris Hair for V4; Fairy 3: Maisie with Mae Face by Biscuits and default skin; Fashion-2 Outfit with pd-DarkMaterials mats; LLF Jillian Hair; Wings for all fairies: FK Faerie Wings for V4
Note: all skin textures were run through EZSkin with adjustments to HSV