Various Fehns and their canine companions enjoy a sunny afternoon on the streets of a French village.
Rendered in August 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels, using direct lighting (one infinite light sun and an IBL light). Postwork in ON1.
SCENE CREDITS: LeVillage by Faveral; Basket by Merlin; Bread in basket from Exnem’s Bread.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Fehn and Noor figures by Nursoda; Fehn left and middle wearing Fehn apparel and hair by Nursoda with textures from RA Fehn by RAGraphicDesign; Fehn right wearing apparel and hair from 4 CeaZuns by PixPax; HW Big Dog with Sparky’s breed morphs and textures for Chug, Jack Russell, and Chihuahua.