Kiki and her pal Pocket enjoy frolicking in their fuzzy costumes!
I recently got Pocket on deep discount (along with Pufflet and Pudgy), and it wasn’t too much trouble to get them out of DS and into Poser via FBX format, but I forgot about the fact the dforce hair wouldn’t transfer, and a horse looks kind of odd without a mane and tail. I’d eventually like to try making those for Pocket in Poser’s Hair Room, but until then I thought it might be fun to play with the costume that comes with Pocket.
I also recently got Tipol’s adorable overalls dynamic outfit for LF, and I wanted to see what it would take to use it on other figures, so I started with Kiki b/c I thought she’d make a cute companion to Pocket and I wanted to see the overalls with one of LittleDesign’s nifty fuzzy materials.
Rendered in June 2022 using Firefly in Poser Pro 11.3 for Mac at 2400 × 3000 pixels.
SCENE CREDITS: Esha’s Grassy Grounds. Flowers from Flink’s Instant Meadow 3. Sakura 02 tree by whitemagus.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Kiki toon figure by LadyLittlefox with Posey morph set by CDI and skin texture from Elfie by LittleDesign; Overalls for LaFemme by Tipol; Bunny Ears for K4 by Digital Dreams; Twin Fair Hair by Fabiana; Kiki Nails by EyesBlueDesign. Materials on overalls, bunny ears, and sphere primitive “tail” from Happy Furry by LittleDesign. Pocket the Miniature Horse by hypertaf.