Gentleman Slon and Lady Slonya out for a stroll.
I’m sure the Victorians would’ve been scandalized by Lady Slonya’s dress, but I didn’t have it in me to try fitting a more suitable dress to Slon, so perhaps the customs were different for the Victorian Slon-folk 🙂
Rendered in May 2022 using Firefly in Poser Pro 11.3 for Mac at 1800 × 2700 pixels.
SCENE CREDITS: Victorian Park by BlueTreeStudios.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Slon figure by Nursoda, with skin textures by Wayii; Slon Gentle outfit by Karth, with textures by Wayii; Vila’s dress by Nursoda, with mats from pd-Dirty Pretty; Eloiny Hair and hat by Goldtassel.