[“SE” Series = Sapphic Encounters (see the first render in the series for info)]
Riley had such a good time that evening, she doesn’t want to say good night just yet, and Maria doesn’t mind one bit!
You can’t really see the streetlight prop behind the two women, but it’s there, along with a spotlight pointing down on the two women. I know the rest of the image is kinda dark, but the light hits where it needs to
There’s something kinda silly about outfits that have pants AND little frilly skirts, like we need to be reminded that these are GIRLS wearing pants. But I guess they’re also kinda cute. Maybe these two will show up again in a more brightly lit environment!
Rendered in September 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 3200 × 1800 pixels, using direct lighting (1 inverse-square point light, 1 spotlight, and an IBL light). Postwork in Photoshop (adjustments in Camera Raw plus frame and sig).
SCENE CREDITS: Steambike Pro by Val3dart; Steampunk Hostel by coflek-gnorg.
CHARACTER CREDITS: V4 left: Elverado Outfit by SWAM; RiotGrrl Bootz by Nursoda; VYK Riley skin; 3Dream Apollonia hair. V4 right: SteamPunk Aviator Outfit by B25; VYK Maria skin.