Early on in my journey towards learning to create 3D graphic art, I had intended to develop a graphic novel version of a memoir about lesbian identity, a subject I’ve addressed in a variety of digital formats.
After spending 5-6 months developing the characters and settings — and learning a ton along the way — I came up against the limitations of trying to depict real people and events using the 3D assets I had available at the time. So I decided to switch my focus to developing graphics for my fictional Lumen stories, and I’ve been having so much fun that I’m not sure I’ll return to the graphic memoir, despite the fact that I’m now capable of creating the kind of assets I’d need.
But I thought I’d share my memoir “cast” as of the last time I worked on the project (circa 2016). The figure-bases from left-to-right are: The Dude, SuzyQ, Ichiro, Koshini, V4, Krystal, Kyle, Staci, and Aiko3.
The V4 figure in the center (blonde, blue dress) is meant to represent me in my 20’s. I had originally been planning to use Cookie as the basis for my character, but once I finally learned how to use V4 I realized she was much more versatile for the task I had in mind.
Here’s a comparison of the earlier AmyCk character and the later AmyV4, in the same bookstore scene. You’ll find a few more renders of AmyCk and AmyV4 on the About page.