On the ninth evening of every month, the Grimlens emerge from their underworld with one sole purpose in mind: to peruse the pottery offerings at the Smuggler’s Market. The smugglers stay home on these evenings, behind the safety of closed curtains, trusting the Grimlens to leave payment behind for any items they decide to take with them.
Rendered in August 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels, using direct lighting (one infinite light, 16! inverse-square point lights, and an IBL light) with Depth Cue atmosphere enabled.
SCENE CREDITS: Smugglers Market and boat from Merchant House by 1971s; TerraDome2; Fog prop by me; Exnem Vases (mixed in with vases included in Smuggler’s Market).
CHARACTER CREDITS: K4 figures with Grimlen character by RawArt.