Iron Monkey tries out a few of his best lines and feels a spark of hope when he manages to make the SteamBetty bartender smile.
I came across an “inventory render” of this tavern, in which I had evidently put V4 in the SteamBetty character, and I decided to take another look and see if I could turn it into a scene to share. Iron Monkey graciously offered to help (once he caught sight of the pretty shiny lady, that is). I love this tavern set and didn’t end up showing much of it here, so perhaps some of my other steampunk themed characters (or humans wearing steampunk outfits) will visit it again some time!
I used structure’s handy EasyDOF script, but an odd thing about it is that it shows you a bunch of actors to choose from as a focus point but doesn’t tell you which figure they go with. Since I had two “heads” in this scene, I ended up just choosing the beer glass. Because a beer glass should always be in focus, even when you can no longer focus on it 🙂
Rendered in March 2022 using Firefly in Poser Pro 11 for Mac at 2048 × 1152 pixels.
SCENE CREDITS: Saunders Steampunk Tavern by Nightshift3D; beer glass from 2nd World’s Everyday Glassware (with beer darkened).
CHARACTER CREDITS: V4 with IN SteamBetty by winnston1984; Iron Monkey by The AntFarm.