“Just wait with the wagon,” he says, like I’d rather do that than go with him to the Wizard’s Hall. Three years as a wizard’s apprentice and not a single magical thing has ever happened to me! Sigh…
Rendered in July 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels, using direct lighting (one infinite light and one IBL light).
SCENE CREDITS: Medieval Wagon by Merlin; Medieval Shop by Faveral.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Mill Horse; Mo by Nursoda; M4 with LRP Jayden skin and morph, wearing Wizard’s Apprentice outfit by MortemVetus.
I tried putting some “magical sparkles” around Mo in Photoshop to make the “surprise” more apparent, but I’m not sure I like it better than the original. So I’ll just post it here as an alternate: