Kramp can tell by the Observer’s expression that this is not the crew he was hoping for.
I realized I wanted an alien for another scene and was wondering what I had available. So this is basically an “aliens in my runtime” render that I thought I’d share for fun 🙂
I’m not sure Yweeb is meant to be an alien, exactly, but he looked so eager to join in, and who was I to say no? I did have to draw the line at Tiny, however. (He’s still mad that I included a “symbiont elf” and not him, but when else was I going to use her?)
Rendered in March 2022 using Firefly in Poser Pro 11 for Mac at 2048 × 1152 pixels.
SCENE CREDITS: Throne Room and DIY Universe by Coflek-Gnorg.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Fairy Alien by Marco; RDNA Greyling by Traveler; Symbiont Elf by Summoner; Nurklings by Simon3D; Kramp and Yweeb by Nursoda; Observers by Coflek-Gnorg.