The Onats’ family vacation continues…
On this stop: the Wild Wild West! Unfortunately, their visit took an unexpected turn for the worse when Mother let the others out of her sight for just a moment (a lesson she’s learned the hard way!). Now they’re wondering how much it’ll cost to send for lawyers from their home planet, and if that’ll put a dent in the budget for their next destination.
When I nabbed the Sheriff’s Office Interior however many years ago, on sale for around .37 cents, I had no idea how I might ever use the set. But then I met the Onats 🙂
Rendered in June 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels.
SCENE CREDITS: Old West Sheriffs Office Interior by RHS; Sandwich by i13.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Onats figure and apparel by Nursoda; M4 with Stefan skin by Phoenix1966, wearing Wanted Dead or Alive outfit by Deecey.