Our Canine Companions

I’ve made a few cute, short “creative miscellany” projects with the dogs, so I figured they should have their own “Bio” post!

About the Dogs

Amber-the Marehaven Lapsitter in Chief

Approximate birth date: January 2012.

We adopted Amber in January 2013, from Rocky Mountain Puppy Rescue. She wiggled her way right into our hearts — and my lap!

Holly – Self-Appointed Snuggle Bunny

Approximate birth date: January 2014.

We adopted Holly in January 2015, from Rocky Mountain Puppy Rescue. It was Holly’s Sassyesque coloring that first caught my eye, but it’s her absolutely adorable personality that captured my heart!

Dulcie – Guardian Against Invisible Attackers

Approximate birth date: January 2013.

We adopted Dulcie in November 2014, from the Longmont Humane Society. She had already been adopted out and returned for being too fearful, but Cynthia had her heart set on the pretty blonde Chi with a food name (Coriander), so I worked some Chihuahua-Whisperer magic and won her over.

After not making a sound for over six months, Dulcie gradually began finding her voice, and now she’s our most vocal guard dog. But she does have her kryptonite: the sound of doorbell and elevator dings on the TV.