Puntik and Fon check on the progress of their prize-winning paper boat as it glides down the woodland stream, way ahead of the competition!
NOTES: I really like the “stylized” look of this woodland stream set, but it’s not without its problems. I had to put together my own stream materials, and the UV-mapping makes it hard to come up with a rock/stone material that won’t have obvious seams. The set is also pretty old, so the textures are quite small and low-res. But I like that the set is “complete,” meaning that it comes with a panorama backdrop (with your choice of three textures) that makes it easy to get “shots” from a variety of camera angles. Having the fallen tree across the stream also helps fill in the background. I also appreciate the way the stream was made so that it could have water ripples going around rocks, even though I didn’t end up using that feature. The trees and vegetation help to round out the stream bank setting, and I esp. like how the grass at the top of the eroded cliff banks renders. So I may put a little more “elbow grease” into fixing various aspects of this set for future use, because it’s exactly the sort of thing I’d been looking for for a while!
Rendered in July 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels, using direct lighting (one infinite light and an IBL light) with Depth Cue atmosphere enabled.
SCENE CREDITS:IN Woodland Stream by winnston1984; Black-Eyed Susans by Lisa’s Botanicals.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Puntik and Fon figures by Nursoda; SBRM Flock Formations 1 by Ken Gilliland (“As the Crow Flies”).