Carmen listens to Rosamund’s suggestions for how to school the new mare.
Rosamund manages the New Skye Sanctuary Stables and mentors young riders and trainers, like Carmen. Rosamund is married to Aileen’s brother, making her Sara’s aunt.
I drew on a lifetime of experience with horses (including dressage) to pose the horse and the rider in balance as much as I could. Getting the reins properly positioned on the rider’s hands was a challenge, and I will probably eventually make a morph so that the end of the reins can flip over and form a loop coming from the rider’s thumbs. I was otherwise really impressed with the Mill Horse figure and tack, despite their age. They don’t slow down Poser the way the HWHorse does for me, so I look forward to setting up scenes with multiple riders!
BTW, horse coats rarely come in brindle, but I chose this one mainly b/c it fit in with the autumn colors. I ended modifying it significantly in Photoshop, esp. around the face, and learned a lot about horse coat textures in the process!
SCENE: Esha’s Forest Trees; Flink’s Bushes; Flink’s Autumn Leaves; Traveler’s Rocks; Pole Barn by RPublishing; Poser Construct w/ custom mats & morphs; Arena fencing & footing by me.
HUMANS: Sasha-16 version of V4 by Karina. (For Rosamund & Carmen’s skin and hair, see the Character Credits page.) Rosamund: Polo by Kobamax; Helmet by HEMI-426. Carmen: Polo by EvilInnocence. Both: Riding Boots by Idler168; 2nd skin riding tights by me.
HORSE: DAZ Millennium Horse with brindle coat from Equus Magica by SolarisOnline (modified); MillHorse English Saddle & Bridle by WillsMind (custom mats).