With the patience that comes from having more life experience, Ladora listens to the woes of her younger lover.
For whatever reason, I was determined to do this render against a prop set rather than a background image, but I had such trouble finding the right one. I got all the way to a final render with one option, which I’ve included here as a second image if anyone’s curious, but then the next day I was checking out the Gorgon Hallway prop (which I’d never loaded before) when it occurred to me that it would’ve been more suitable. So I re-rendered the scene, and I’m happier with how it came out!
Rendered in June 2022 using Firefly in Poser Pro 11.3 for Mac at 2400 × 3000 pixels. IDL enabled. Postwork in ON1 Effects 2020.
SCENE CREDITS: Gorgon Hallway by Jack Tomalin. Sky from SV Angelic Backgrounds Skies by Sveva. (First render: DM Gadomar. TerraDome2.)
CHARACTER CREDITS: V4 left: SV7 Ladora character; Psyche Outfit by Mada, Sarsa, and Thorne; AprilYSH Aoife Hair; and FK Artisanne earrings. V4 right: VYK Pearl character; Luna Fairy Dress by Propschick and Sarsa; Wild Orchids Hair; and earrings from SV Adorned in Pearls by Sveva.