Brulba enjoys the sunrise from the porch of his cozy little home in his cozy little corner of the lake.
NOTE: I am in the process of trying to talk myself out of buying Artmatic Voyager* or Terragen by playing around with all the things I can do with TerraDome 2 inside of Poser. And with each landscape scene I render, those other programs are fading further and further from my mind!
(*a fantasy landscape generator for Mac by the guy who made Bryce)
Rendered in May 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 5000 x 2813 pixels.
SCENE CREDITS: Marsh Lights House by 1971s; TerraDome2.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Brulba figure by Nursoda; shorts by Karth; shirt by me.
Lens blur added in Photoshop CC 2020.