In honor of one of our most entertaining Chihuahua-mixes, Micky, who would always begin to swim when held within a few feet of any body of water he might plausibly have been lowered into.
Rendered in July 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels, using direct lighting (two inverse-square point lights and an IBL light).
SCENE CREDITS: Dream Home Kitchen and Great Room by DAZ Originals; Bottle from Everyday items, Bathroom by 2nd World (w/ custom label by me); Towel by me.
CHARACTER CREDITS: V4’s arms; HW Big Dog with Chihuahua morph by Sparky; Yellow coat from Coat Colors for the HiveWire Big Dog Set 1 by Flint Hawk and CWRW.