Hein the Sailor looks wistfully towards home, where a warm meal and a cold mug of ale await his arrival. He would’ve invited you to join him, if only you hadn’t asked how his boat, er house, er boat-that’s-a-house came to be lodged in the cliff like that.
(I started this scene several months ago but wasn’t happy with any of the items Hein was spotting in the distance. And then I got the Old Captain’s House 🙂
Rendered in July 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels.
SCENE CREDITS: Old Captain’s House and Smuggler’s Yacht by 1971s; Ship lantern by me; TerraDome2; Fog prop by me.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Hein figure by Nursoda; Hein the Sailor apparel by Karth.