Passenger: “Hey, just because the ATV can take the rockier path, that doesn’t mean we should!”
Driver: “Actually, that’s exactly what it means!”
NOTES: I’ve been wanting to use Summoner’s ATV for a while and thought the Rocky Flats set would be a good fit. I used the three colored infinite lights that came with the set, but wasn’t happy with how the lighting turned out*, so I fiddled with some art effects in Topaz Studio 2 and got a look I’m happier with.
* I’ve finally figured out why I don’t like using more than one infinite light: because what’s meant to be an outdoor scene ends up looking like it was lit on a soundstage rather than outside! You can get some cool effects using multiple infinite lights, esp. if they’re also colored, but that’s not a look I’d ever aim for in a daytime outdoor scene. For that I much prefer the look of a single infinite light with RayTraced shadows positioned as the sun and an IBL light that matches the environment (or an HDRI on a sphere instead if I were planning to enable IDL). If I need any supplementary lighting, like what photographers use, I’ll use a very low-intensity point light set to inverse linear with no shadows.
Rendered in August 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4000 × 2250 pixels, using direct lighting (three infinite lights that came with Rocky Flats) with Depth Cue atmosphere enabled.
SCENE CREDITS: Rocky Flats by FirstBastion; Mongoose ATV by Summoner; Flink’s Sky 2 – Dramatic Skies.
CHARACTER CREDITS: V4 driver with Katie Elite skin and wearing Surviver outfit and hair by Sixus1; V4 passenger with VYK Frankie skin and wearing Omega HuntressX outfit by Luthbel.