Two passages diverged in a greenish cavern,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one troll, long I stood…
I may be standing there still.
(with apologies to Robert Frost!)
NOTES: As so often happens, I had an entirely different scene in mind when I loaded this cave set and started playing with it. I’d played with it before and found the layout to be useful for a variety of situations, but I couldn’t come up with materials I liked, whether texture-based or procedural. This time I was inspired by the preview thumbnails to try putting high intensity inverse-square point lights at the ends of several passageways, with no other light source, just to see what happened. And what happened was kinda cool! So I put the troll in there, added a low-intensity IBL so he could at least see his own feet, and then left him to ponder which passage to take.
Rendered in July 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels, using direct lighting (four inverse-square point lights and one low-intensity IBL) with Depth Cue atmosphere enabled.
SCENE CREDITS: AlienCave 2 by HG Creations