Hein: “Hey, that last ball should’ve definitely gone in! This game is rigged!”
Aina (knowingly): “Mmm hmm. I’m sure it is, dear.”
I picked up the Carnival and all its parts a few years ago during one of the DAZ store’s “build your own bundle” sales (8 items for $2.99), and I finally got around to checking it out. What a fun set! When I saw the milk can toss, I immediately thought of the mischief Tiny, Pink, and Thorn could get into 🙂
Rendered in June 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels.
SCENE CREDITS: Carnival Midway games tent and milk can toss game by Jack Tomalin.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Aina figure, Hein figure and pants, and Koit figure by Nursoda; Hein’s shirt from Hein the Sailor by Karth; Aina’s top, pants, and sandals by treasurechest; Aina’s hair 3Dream Apollonia; Koit’s hair Goldtassel Knicky; Aina’s and Koit’s skins by me; Studded Purse by LMDesign; Tiny, Pink, and Thorn figures by CHK2033.