Autumn picks at her cake as she tries to explain that it’s not her fault she always arrives late. But Spring’s not buying it, and Summer’s just annoyed at always being stuck between the two of them! (Winter does not usually join the sisters for afternoon tea.)
Rendered in July 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels, using direct lighting (three inverse-square point lights and one low-intensity IBL) with Depth Cue atmosphere enabled.
SCENE CREDITS: Butterfly House by 1971s; A Curious Tea by LaurieS; Garden Escape Patio Furniture by ARTCollab; TerraDome2.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Fehn figure by Nursoda; skin textures by me; head morphs, hair, and apparel from 4 CeaZuns by PixPax.