Semil lovingly inhales the scent of honeysuckle bushes and briefly considers waking Anceata so that she can enjoy them too, but then he remembered her allergies and figured he’d just let her keep snoozing.
NOTES: I started working on this scene right after I finished the one with Anceata and Semil camping next to the Wizard Wagon, but it gave me problems for various reasons. I finally decided to give it another go and bring it through Topaz Studio 2 for some painterly effects.
Rendered in June 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels.
SCENE CREDITS: Wizard’s Wagon by LukeA & Sveva; FirstBastion High Cliff Crossing terrain; Honeysuckles by Lisa’s Botanicals; Boulders by me.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Anceata & Semil figure and clothes by Nursoda; SBRM Parrots Vol. 2 (Lears Macaw); Mill Horse with LnL grey coat; English Bridle by willsmind; Horse harness by me (WIP)..