Twiggy invited his friends over to help prepare for the big summer blowout, with BBQ and dancing and the works. But it was so darn hot they just passed out in the kiddie pool!
Rendered in July 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels, using direct lighting (one infinite light sun and one IBL light).
SCENE CREDITS: Round deck and table from DAZ; Drinks and chips from Everyday items, Groceries by 2nd World; Radio by Nursoda (from Aednik freebies); Day lilies by Lisa’s Botanicals; Esha’s Grassy Grounds; Cooler from PoserWorld; Flip-flops from Archive3D; Towel by me; Kiddie Pool by me (I started off with a freebie kiddie pool by France, but its UV mapping wouldn’t play nicely with Reflect & Refract nodes, so I made a new version).
CHARACTER CREDITS: Twiggy, Thorn, and Bubbles figures by CHK2033; Sunglasses from Bad Boy for M4 by Ravenhair; Hat from Zephyrus Hair by 3Dream & Mairy.