Utla and her most promising apprentice review the finer points of potion mixing on the way to the market, as Utla’s other apprentice pauses to enjoy the view from the bridge.
I’ve been wanting to do some scenes of Utla and her apprentices at the market, using some of Faveral’s medieval city sets, but I’m still trying to figure out how to render the kind of bright sunlight I’d want for market day. I also go back and forth about how much detail to include, as a market could potentially get pretty elaborate.
I’ve had this “Merlin’s Crossing” set in a WIP scene for several years now, and every once in a while various characters wander through it, as I check to see who might look right. I love the set, and it has a variety of interesting little places in it for posing characters (including a sword stuck into a pile of stones!), but for some reason I find it hard to find the right characters and the right spot. By the time Utla and her companions came wandering through, I decided it was time to take a snapshot and move on to something else. Possibly another camera angle, or possibly another set. We’ll see 🙂
While I generally prefer bringing the camera in tight, I did two versions of this scene to better show off the set.
Rendered in April 2022 using Firefly in Poser Pro 11.3 for Mac at 3200 × 1800 pixels. DOF applied in Photoshop.
SCENE CREDITS: Merlin’s Crossing by Merlin Studios, with a few plants from Merlin’s Wild Borders.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Utla, Puntik, and Koit figures and apparel by Nursoda.