Anceata and Vila enjoy Malik’s violin playing as they relax after a satisfying meal.
Rendered in November 2019 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 2400 x 1600 pixels.
SCENE CREDITS: Flink’s Instant Forest autumn; SV Fairy Gourd House; DM Sprite House lantern and table & chairs; Lisa’s Botanicals Bell Flower and Day Lily; Table candle by Mapps. Acorn string lights, “messy” dishes, napkins, and beer mugs by me.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Vila and Puntik Kaalkopje by Nursoda; 3Dream Stefania Hair; Biker Boots by Trumacar. Anceata and Malik (+ their clothing and Malik’s props) by Nursoda. 3Dream Aether Hair. Vila’s skin, morphs pants & shirt by me.