Ah ha! Now we know why the Winter Ceazun doesn’t join her sisters for afternoon tea: she’s at the beach!
Rendered in July 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels, using direct lighting (an infinite sun and an IBL light*).
*BTW, the term IBL light isn’t redundant b/c “image based lighting” is an approach to lighting that can be accomplished either by using an HDRI on an enviro-sphere and enabling indirect lighting OR by using a special kind of light in Poser that uses an image to simulate the effect of the first method (less accurate, but much faster). Both approaches are “image based lighting,” but only the latter makes use of an IBL light.
SCENE CREDITS: Paralia Beach (including beach umbrella) by ShaaraMuse3D; Beach chair, table, and drink by PropsClub; Cute Bag by Elleque; Open book by me.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Fehn figure by Nursoda; skin texture by me; head morphs, hair, and apparel from 4 CeaZuns by PixPax; sunglasses from Ersa Hair by 3Dream.