Meet Lilly and Toady, the slightly less mischievous and slightly more well-behaved cousins of Kali and Kelm!
I swear, every time I think I’ve found everything that’s available in the marketplace for Nursoda’s people, I come across more stuff! These characters and apparel textures for K&K may be fairly old, but they were new to me!
I originally wanted Lilly and Toady to be doing something like delivering pastries to a friend, but I also wanted to get a full view of the new textures, so I ended up doing this more like a portrait.
Bit o’ trivia: I used the Acorn House in the very first render I shared on my Renderosity gallery 🙂
Rendered in April 2022 using Firefly in Poser Pro 11.3 for Mac at 3200 × 1800 pixels. DOF enabled.
SCENE CREDITS: Acorn House by AJ. Weeping Willow, Tulips, and Asiatic Lillies by Lisa’s Botanicals. Hedgerow from Merlin’s Wild Borders. Grass patches from Esha’s Grassy Grounds.
CHARACTER CREDITS: Kali and Kelm figures, hair, and apparel by Nursoda; skin and apparel textures from Forest Elf by 3DTM (now DragonFly).