I know the stormy lighthouse scene is kind of a cliche, but when I loaded the Smuggler’s Lighthouse, I knew I had to give it a try. And what stormy lighthouse cliche would be complete without a mysterious woman being blown about in the wind?
Rendered in August 2020 in Poser Pro 11 Firefly at 4400 × 2475 pixels, using direct lighting (one infinite light moon, two spotlights, and an IBL light) with Depth Cue atmosphere enabled. Postwork in Photoshop with Ron’s Waves brushes.
SCENE CREDITS: Smuggler’s Lighthouse by 1971s; Light beams from D3D Material Collection by Dimension3D; Rain from Fire & Water by Coflek Gnorg; Parkside Point Ground by Jack Tomalin; Flink’s Sky 2 – Rain; Rolling sea prop by me.
CHARACTER CREDITS: V4 wearing Morphing Fantasy Dress with Golden Dream texture by Porsimo, with Nabia hair by 3Dream.